Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blog Archive Gadget. What the Heck?

A more correct title for this note would have something to do with information design.

Looking at a simple blog, I would like to see a list of the recent posts, I would like the archive to be filed away. Having a column of months and years filing down the sidebar embarrasses me. Why not one link that says "archives" and have archives on a different page. Seems like this should be very easy. 'Tain't.

I kept taking off and putting back the blogger archive widget, dissatisfied. I wrote an inline style to reduce the font a tad and it offended me less.

Apparently, the "recent post" widget doesn't work until posts have been made after it's installed. We shall see after this is posted. Update: Ghostery shuts something down, maybe "Google Friend Connect" that makes this gadget work. I tweaked my settings and it's okay.

Another issue is how long to let one page sprawl. I don't like them real long, but I've seen ones that were real long that I liked. (The vinyl record collecting one on one of my links pages.)

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