Monday, April 19, 2010

Another one for the "beautiful" list...

Trevor sent me this. It is good looking. In particular, it's jammed with tons of information and yet feels easy to deal with.

I replied with the following paragraph, and then realized I also got a blog post for free:

I love the fact that it actually is cramming 4 columns in, and doesn't feel cramped on my 1024 dot wide laptop. Now why is this? Pixel fonts, no graphical links,  parallelism in the copy, and the graphic across columns. It's a lot of stuff but it's easy to read.


Trevor also pointed out that the alley or gutter between the columns is highlighted clearly. Now, notice that the columns are right justified. But you'd like to give an impression of a left margin. Now look how the border on the  left is razor thin and on the right is relatively thick.

It's the little things...